In The 'Wood

By Fayzeeday

Day 16 BVI - Tree Cricket (?)

It's been a day of zoological discovery, starting at breakfast, scorpions. Well one small scorpion is enough thanks, discovered in bare feet while doing a spot of sweeping. Then, on my way to the laundry room, blue iguanas, underfoot and scrabbling along in their, frankly, rather unseemly slithery reptilian way. You never know what you'll meet in the dark and dank subterranean laundry, horror movie stuff! It was all peace and light from then on, we've had a pair of eagles, a american kestrel sitting happy in the garden, hummingbirds, of course, the usual mockingbirds and kingbirds. At night we sometimes see a huge night heron sitting by the pool, but as for what he thinks he is going to catch, that's a mystery. The night jars fly over the pool like huge bats.
We watched the fishermen cleaning their catch and feeding it aerially to the frigate birds . (see previous post)
And, (I've rattled on here, I see, apologies ) finally, when ever we set off in the car down the mountain, whatever happens to have attached itself journeys with us, usually that's geckos. They scamper about the bonnet like living mascots. Today we had a tree cricket (?see photo) for the whole journey. The long leg ( I think) is for making the bloody racket which, in accompaniment to tree frogs, cicadas, other misc. jungle noises and the crashing waves below, makes listening to music at night impossible.

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