The rest of forever...

By DrMac


We have a new kitchen appliance.
The other one died last weekend.
I think it died of...


...but I can't be sure. Anyway, Bex and I picked a new one. A shiny purple little thing that looked pretty sexy, as kettles go, on the shelf in Waitrose. And I brought it home and unpacked it, introduced it to the toaster (oh, we have a new one of those too but that's another story) and the chopping boards and then thought I'd give it a test run.

It's nice. It takes lots of water and boils very efficiently. And just when it had boiled and given the little satisfying 'click', it all went a bit odd.

It whistled.

But not from the top, like the whistling kettles do. From the bottom.

There I was, kettle in hand, moving from one work surface to the next when I could hear this whistling behind me. From the base. Eh?!

At first it was a bit of a nice to know when I'm upstairs that the kettle has boiled.

Now it's just god damn irritating. Frankly, I think I'm bright enough to know it's gonna boil, I just turned it on so it isn't that much of a flamin surprise!!! No shit, Sherlock!

Anyway, it looks nice. And if you don't turn it on it's pretty quiet too!

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