inspiration all around us

By Marykathleen

inspired by unusual roadsigns

We had spent the morning walking on the limestone area of Hampsfell above Grange Over Sands. Our friends told us of the wonderful views over Morecambe Bay in one direction and the Lake District in the other. These were to remain a mystery to us, hidden by an obstinate mist which the sun failed to penetrate. However, it made me focus my attention on the unique limestone landscape right under our noses. I have been curious about the huge boulders of limestone which have been snatched from their natural environment to 'enhance' the landscape of our 1970's housing estate. It was wonderful to see them where they rightfully belong. Thank goodness this rape has now been outlawed.

On our way home, I asked Adrian to stop the car so I could photograph this road sign. Risking life and limb, I walked back along the busy winding road to get my shot. I didn't see any dead frogs on the road but it is a mystery to me how such a small creature could survive on such a busy main road. I daren't ask Adrian to stop again so this picture must take precedence today.

I look forward to returning to Hampsfell when the hawthorns are in leaf and the wild flowers are blooming - and perhaps the weather will allow us to look at the view.

(Yesterday's picture was protection for our shrubs while Adrian treated the fence.)

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