eye of the camera

By telefoto


i went nowhere and did nothing!! well thats a lie but nothing worth taking a photo. i would love to put a picture up of the races but im not there but the good news is that my £5 has now turned in to nearly £30!!!! chuffed to say the least.. today has been a grey,misty,cold day so not trip up the hill with the lovely kate lake aka stuff & stuff and the wonderful Syd to take piccys .... maybe next week . Sunday is mothers day so hopefully we will get out & about over weekend that's if every body is well (hubby ill possible man flu) ! hope all you Blippers had a great day !!!! well this was gonna be a blip with an old college photo on but it was suspended so here is a picture of my evening instead............. baileys & assignments is NEVER a good combination soooo have now stopped the book work & im concentrating on the glass work & fb oh & the tv!!! happy blipping

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