
One of the guardsmen tulips from my 'mislaid' friend has fainted on parade, which at least permitted a blip. The others are still standing upright to attention.

I made it with time to spare for my bone scan this morning, although the travelling took longer than the scan.
I am pleased to report that there were bones and a spine visible on the operative's monitor, and they were looking much as usual.
Whether or not they are going to hold me upright in an acceptable manner for much longer will be known in about a fortnight.

I refused to look at what the scales said at the weighing in, but did enquire as to my present height; not even knee high to a grass hopper now but not so much shorter than when in my prime.

There was a convoluted bus journey home through the west end of Edinburgh, which looks much like a war zone with roadway devastation and diversions at every corner, to have lunch with Oman daughter before she hits the shops this afternoon.

There is talk of a get together tonight of daughters #s 1, 2 &3, but I have to see if I'm invited. I don't necessarily need a printed invitation, but it would be nice to be asked formally. I'll keep you posted.

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