Red Flash

By RedFlash

Challenge Number 2

A certain work colleague keeps challenging me to take photos on different themes and occasionally I comply to the request.

Last week they wanted a fountain. So I gave them this

The next challenge was something that made the harshness of the Barbican Centre look beautiful.

This is my offering in that category.

You can walk over the top of the Barbican main buildings and I often do , as it peaceful and you see different things at that level.

There are raised flower beds and this is a yellow polyanthus (The bed contains cream ones too but they weren't so dramatic). Out of focus are the flats with their window boxes. As the whole area is warm and relatively protected there are always colourful flowers. Mainly red geraniums, all year round. As I walk through it, it always reminds me of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Although I suspect that there was more garden and less concrete.

While I was looking for a photo, I could see an elderly couple wandering around and when I saw them more closely they were taking their cat for a walk. He had the most stunning green eyes, with a matching green lead and harness. He was rarely still so there were few opportunities to blip him.

So "Dear Challenger" does this meet with your criteria?

PS Don't tell anyone but I think that I am finally on the mend. This is based on the fact that I have started singing again where ever I go. Previously I didn't have a voice - but keep that information under your hat

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