
By Icarus59

For Brodie

Over the last few days i have been told thay my ex father in law is dieing from throat cancer and i cant help but feel sadness for him and his wife Janet.
Despite all the bad feelings between my ex wife and myself im saddened by the fact that a man i admired greatly is suffering so much and im not allowed to tell him how i feel .
My youngest son has not left his bedside and neither has his brother or his sister.
Im proud to say that i couldnt have asked for better inlaws and that i will miss him immensley.
Its fair to say im not a religious person in the sense that i dont go to church , but i do believe in God in my own way.
When i returned home tonight i lit this candle and it will remane lit as long as he is still alive.

God bless you Brodie , my thoughts are with you and may you find peace at last.

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