Red Squirrel


Get It While You Can ...

Once again I thought I had my blip for today and was wrong! I've really been wanting a full shot of the setting sun, and so far have managed 2 partial shots. But driving home from work I could see the sun dropping in an almost clear sky and knew maybe this was my chance. So I pulled over at a spot where I've stopped previously for sunset shots - and I just sat for about 10 minutes listening to music, with my sunglasses on, watching as the sun slowly descended. My camera was on and zoomed as much as it can manage. And when I could tell it was the right time I crossed the road to the hedge and started snapppng.
Finally I have the shot I've been after and it feels good! (It would probably feel even better with a more powerful zoom, but sometimes you can't have everything can you? lol)
So this blip just goes to prove that when you want something sometimes you have to be patient, then when the opportunity arises grab it - get it while you can. Which gives me a music link - the wonderful JANIS JOPLIN.

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