Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A decorative night light holder.

I found this pretty night light holder in Store 21 in Accrington.
It is a beautifully ornate lantern, that appealed to me in the sale.

I have been for a long walk this morning and enjoyed seeing the Spring bulbs, and the daffodils alongside the park are all unfolding beautifully.
Some are in bud and remind me of paint brushes loaded with yellow paint.
A few snowdrops remain.
It is cold and misty but with the hope of sun as the day progresses.
The builders have started their morning symphony of drilling and hammering.
Poor Arthur is none too happy and has taken refuge in the kitchen on his favourite chair.
My Spalding Bulb strawberry growing set arrived in the morning post, so before the bundle of local free papers arrive , which I deliver on a Wednesday, I will spend some time constructing the strawberry tower!

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