The Guardian
There are LOTS of cats on our little street. Apparently a woman who works in one of the houses (converted to an office) feeds them as well as takes them to the vet as needed. She gets them vaccinated and spayed/neutered. Apparently not spayed/neutered fast enough as there must be a good dozen plus of them walking around here. The good news? We have no mice...
I enjoyed reading the comments that followed my post yesterday.
Dr. Brene Brown describes shame as "The intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging." It is hard to think straight when we feel that way after being attacked, either full out, or passively aggressively. My instinct is to either bite back, or run away. I am working on responding in a not-unkind way to honor myself as a worthy human being, yet not bite.
She describes the steps that, according to her research, are universally needed to develop shame resilience/practice courage: "Name it; talk about it; own your story; tell your story".
Sounds about right, no?
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