My changing life

By Shelley2011


The pic just about sums up the day! Melody woke up crying as she couldn't open her eyes and then cheered up.. Had 2.5 hr nap in the am and then woke up refreshed - so refreshed she didn't want her afternoon nap :(
Our great arrivals starts at 12 but melody didn't wake until 12.30 and I just thought well she needs it so didn't wake her.. Then to last hr of group - after beans on toast - melody had one bean! Then refused!
At group had a good catch up and paddling pool was up (warm) but cold by the time we got there.. Melody got grouchier
Then Sasha and Melissa back for coffee - melody grouchier.. Then we had to go to the welcome hall and see how many tables we could get in for our sale - we think 27 but owner sprang on us 15!!! We disagree but flyers been printed - compromised on 20 but let's see how much interest.. Then I'll go back and set up and ask her to show concern as it was fine when we did, taking into account lots of space and fire exits etc - I'll do a risk assessment to help our case.. Melody really not happy now
Stopped at chipper on our way home and had pasta ready for melody but she didn't eat any and proceeded to melt down until I latched her on at the table! Niiice!
Actually think it was more tiredness by this time rather than illness but prob a combo - melody fell asleep :)
This mini nap tided her over til after her bath.. Melody has started to look at where I look.. So if I say look and look up- she looks up.. This is quite a feat according to a brain programme I recall watching - dogs and dolphins can't do this! Also she walks holding on and cries when I pick her up from walking. Not done much rolling since tho!

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