
By NellyO

Veggie spag bol

This is tonight's dinner (leftovers from yesterday's dinner, and just as delicious the second time around!). Proof that it is possible to have tasty, healthy and filling veggie food, and this even looks beautiful!

I have been getting really cross with some of the coverage and reactions of today's story about the American research which is reported to show if you have more than half a kilo of red meat per week your risk of cancer and heart disease increases. There was a discussion on the radio this lunchtime where the presenter (that's you I'm talking about, John Beattie on BBC Radio Scotland!) kept going on about "well I have a bacon sandwich every now and then and it's not done me any harm", and then someone else in the studio said something along the lines of "I had a lovely steak in Glasgow on Saturday, I'm not giving that up for anything". Gah, that's not what the research is saying! If it's only now and again, and less than the half a kilo a week, then there's no increased risk so it won't do you any harm, you silly people (and they weren't the only ones, I've heard it on several programmes today). I know they have to be a bit hyperbolic, but on programmes that are meant to be vaguely serious news programmes it was worse for my blood pressure than a daily 1kg steak! Grrrr.

Go on, hug a tree and eat a poor defenceless vegetable instead. :D

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