Squirrels and penquins.

So, there I was. Camera set up on tripod, situated in doorway. Waiting for something to come to the bird feeder. A blue tit. Missed him. Waited a bit longer. Squirrel. Click, click, click. Lots of lovely shots. Just getting into it, loads of different settings. Pictures getting better and better. I've got that really good camera feeling.

George comes home.

Him: Hi Mum. What you doing?!
Me: Hi. Well, I'm taking pictures of this squirrel. So, keep quiet.
Him: Ok, I'm off upstairs.

I hear a bedroom door open.

Click, click, click. The photos are fab, I'm so excited. The squirrel is behaving impeccably!


A two foot penquin is dropped from the upstairs window. Right in front of camera. Squirrel runs off.

I go upstairs.

Him: (giggling) You didn't see that coming Mum did you? ha ha ha
Me: You didn't see this coming did you?

I unplug his playstation and remove it from his bedroom.


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