Drool, Lust, Yearn.

Not Many People Know That (number 8.)

A mature gentleman walked into reception this morning and said:
"I've parked my car in the bay that says KEEP CLEAR. Will it be alright?"
"I'm sure it will be" I said without looking.
"Only there wasn't anywhere else."

I peered through the back window of the office and saw a small part of the soft-top.

"Ooh a soft top, Mr Evans, what sort?"
"Look through the other window and you'll be able to see it better"
"Ooh, a red one." Initially, I thought it was an old MG and then, as another car reversed out, I gasped.

"Oh, Mr Evans. When I grow up, I want a TVR Chimaera, just like this, but in that gorgeous metallic green colour."

"Would you like to buy it? You can always spray it green. "

"Of course I would like to buy it, sadly I am not able."

"Ooo. Mr Evans, that's a real pulling car you've got there"

"Yes, I promised myself a decent car before I got too doddery to drive one"

We discussed fibreglass bodies and V8 engines, while the two young girls in the office looked on.

"I don't know how you get away with it." Said one of them, after Mr Evans went in for his meeting. "Saying it was a pulling car"

"Ah, he was loving it, and at my age I can get away with it!!"

I snuck out into the car park to snap a couple of lustful shots, and guess what the number plate was?
Something very clever with the first letter and 2 digits making a word followed by TVR - So cool.

The Chimaera, my favourite TVR model, was produced between 1992 and 2001 using the Rover V8 engine. Her bodylines are curvaceous perfection.

TVR is a British car manufacturer started by Mr Wilkinson in 1949.

Not many people know that:
The name TVR is an abbreviation of his first name - TreVoR . WKD eh?

I think this qualifies as a not many people know that blip - No doubt you'll all tell me otherwise.

Others in the random 'Not Many People Know That' series are tagged notmany

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