Shooting The Breeze

By gnarwhal

Essay time

Trying to fight through my elbow pain to finish my essay on Voices In The Park and The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Not doing too badly. This is a view of my desk in my sunny yellow work room, just out of shot is Titan who's trying his hardest to distract me.
I'd say I'm about half way done which is ok. After this assignment I have one more then an End of Course Assessment and hopefully if I pass them all I'll be done! Done and done! Here's to the end of six years worth of work being in sight. The OU is a great way to study but it's not without its problems. Most of which stem from the ability or lack thereof to motivate myself to work and meet deadlines.
However if I pass I'll be pleased with the achievement and be proud of my continued determination which has on occasion waned somewhat.

Bonus blip for photos within a photo, I spy Nick, Andrew a few times and me climbing through a teeny tiny rock tunnel!

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