The second half of life..

By twigs

Old friends

We all have them.

Things - clothes, books, knick-knacks, shoes - that we can't throw away even though they're well past their best and, if we're honest, shouldn't be seen in public.

These are my old friends.

I've taken them up as my gardenig shoes but, because they are still by far the most comfortable trainers, I also prefer to walk in them than anything else I've got.

And boy, did I need a walk tonight.

I can feel the pressure rising - so much to do, so little time, so many little jobs that all take time and always seem more necessary than the 'bigger' jobs which consequently get put off more and more until the pile of bigger jobs looks more like unconquearable mountain.

So I enjoyed my walk tonight - and I'm going to enjoy an early night too.


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