a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Netbook 3: Puggle 0

My quest for mastery over my netbook continues. It is a fierce and obstinate beastie, and will not be easily cowed. Thus another lunch hour was lost seeking out someone who could tame it. I'm not going to get too excited, but I think it will finally be workable now. Praise God and little fishes.

In other news, I couldn't decide today whether I felt in a 'building' mood or a 'colour' mood. So when I passed the new window display at the Louis Vuitton store, I decide to combine the two by way of a small experiment. I also took a rather nice reflection photo around the corner, but I thought this was marginally more interesting, if a lesser image in terms of execution.

Just to forestall any comments, it's not intended as a scathing indictment on the redevelopment of our urban landscape. I just liked the colour combined with the reflection of the building across the road.

Probably I was supposed to rush in and buy a handbag after seeing their products nattily posed amidst multi-coloured arrows, but their marketing ploy failed completely, as far as I'm concerned. I am immune to the siren call of the handbag.:-)

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