Crazy Red

By crazyred


Found another hat somewhere in the bottom of a closet. I think I now have more hats than Elton Johon has glasses... Oh well, couldn't do much creative thinking today, so it's just a quick shot of me with the hat that got forgotten about.

Got me old muscles and joints into excercise mode in the gym this afternoon. As it was at the end of the day and by the time I got out of the shower and got dressed again, there was nobody there anymore. The cleaning lady scared the cr*p out of me when I got to the frontdoor. She was as startled as I was. It was hard to keep a straight face and I was glad she opened the door for me so I could get home...

Had a beast of a healthy salad tonight and fruity yoghurt as a dessert. Cool huh? Well, keep breathing, get to bed early and do something you enjoy.

Crazy Red out.

PS: thanks for your kind comments on yesterdays blip. The tips for eating dinner are noted, except the one that said: "eat the pinguin..." It's a stuffed animal, for pete sake! :)

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