life with the Rissi's

By MrsRissi


Oh my goodness! Tonight was a party at Amber's rainbows to celebrate 25years of rainbows! Wow, I remember when it started and I was a 7 year old brownie guide, now my daughter is a rainbow and she absolutely adores it! Here are the badges she received tonight which I stitched on, I remember my mum sewing my badges on so it was lovely to do it for her!
She made me some mothers day pot pouris and a beautiful card too x
In other news, I had my creaky floorboards fixed and my whirly gig replaced by the lovely guys from cala, they were here all day but the boys loved them, especially as their names were bob and Sam, Oliver's favourite characters from the tv!
Harry also got a bit more confident again today and took 5 steps! Hopefully this can be the start of something again and not a false start again.
Oliver was nappy free and accident free today! He was practically trained in November but his accident when he trapped his finger (or giggin as he calls it!) when sat on the potty threw us back to square one so today really has been a very progressive day!
So tomorrow I am hoping for more steps and dry pants! Ooo the life of a mummy eh?

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