What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Ninja in the Sun

If you look carefully, and I mean carefully, there's a guy practicing being a ninja in this photo...

By which I mean the contrast has turned him into a ninja, judging by the actual movements he was actually doing tai chi or something similar.

I took this from almost the same spot as Saturday's City in the Clouds and what a difference a day makes - not a cloud in sight, bright, warm and sunny.

The trouble, of course, is that I spent most of the day on a coach back to Cambridge following the trip to Oxford, only able to watch the scenery flashing by through the horribly reflective/stained windows - no Blip opportunities until I got off the bus in Cambridge.

Still, not a bad view to greet me.

Also, check out the housemate's sunset shot - through the brambles!

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