Not a blipper...

Allotment, and then a trip up to Dean Village/ Gallery of Modern Art in an unsuccessful hunt for Blipperi metameetensus. Ah well.... next time :(

I did meet this wee goldcrest Regulus regulus, the smallest bird in Europe. Sorry it is so soft, but they flit about faster than autofocus can keep up with (or, if they do stay still, it's with their head behind a branch!) I've got about twenty shots just featuring blurry tailfeathers heading out of frame...

For all that, they aren't shy. In the autumn, some migrate over the North Sea from Scandinavia (not bad for something weighing about 5 or 6 grammes; that's around four to the ounce, for those metrically challenged ;) and will land on just about anything, including people, when they arrive. They also take advantage of any boat for a rest, so fishermen knew them as herring spinks.

Wonderful Chris Smither gig in the evening.

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