It caught my eye

By Pixiemo

Wall Art or Wall of Shame ???

My MIL said she would have divorced my DIL if her had done this to her Wall !!!
WHAT is she trying to tell me that I should divorce her son .... Bizarre and heres me thinking that after all these years that she actually does like me !!
No I think she was actually saying , I am way way too placid and nice ( which I knew of course ) and should not have let my husband try out the testers pot on one of the main walls in my kitchen !!!! WHAT was I thinking !! Well it's a good point I said , however he did it while I was out and also wrote the colours of the paint and the rooms that we might paint it in in BIRO on the wall too ....
Does anyone else have to put up with this kind of blatant torment and mess !!
So the colours were picked and hubby packed off to B & Q to purchase paint !!
He returned shortly after with even more tester pots !!
WHY MORE POTS ?? I asked as I had taken time to choose the ones on the wall very carefully and liked them.
AH BECAUSE Budget !!! - those ones are expensive and have to be specially mixed so now we need to pick a ready mixed one as we cannot blow the budget on Paint!!!
AAAARRRGGGGHHH springs to mind, except me being placid I know thats not helpful and as we are on a budget for this project best try and stick to it ( Sarah Beany would be pleased with me ) and spend the money on beautiful things like clocks and bowls which are essential for the overall look and I will pay for in cash so he does not know ( wink wink )
Paint is just paint after all !!
So colours chosen now lets hope they have it in stock as only 3 more sleeps and we off to start the painting !! EXCITED really : ))

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