All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

There's a lot going on

Last night Ethan made a big decision. He decided he didn't want to sleep in his cot any more. It's only a few days since we converted it into a cot bed, but he decided he now wants to sleep in the single bed in the room which we're currently doing up to be his bedroom! We weren't convinced he would actually sleep in it but off to sleep he went. And he slept through till about 6am before waking! We brought him in to our bed fully expecting that was him up for the day but no, he went back to sleep till just before 8am!

I took him to his gymnastics class in the morning while hubbie stayed at home to watch the decorator decorating! I felt it was best to keep Ethan out the house for as long as possible due to all the wet paint, so after gym, we walked over to the Centre. And who should we bump into there, not once, but twice? The Monochromes!

Ethan ended up helping me choose a new Radley handbag. He was funny in the shop as he kept reaching out from his pushchair, grabbing handbags off the shelf, putting them over his shoulder and grinning at me! I didn't buy the bright pink one he seemed to really like, but mine was a bargin - reduced from £199 to £99!

We then stopped at the Thorntons coffee shop for a hot chocolate and soup. Funnily enough Ethan seemed to eat more of the cream from my hot chocolate than he did of the soup!

Then back home to collect hubbie and we drove into Edinburgh to visit his sister Emma. It's the first time I've met her new baby, Ramsey, who was born in January, although hubbie and Ethan have seen him before. Ethan was very excited to see his cousin Isla-Rose once she arrived home too. They were both posing and saying "cheese" for the camera here but I just couldn't get them both to look my way at the same time.

We then went to Ikea to get storage inspiration for the family room, as I want lots of shelving in there. It was pretty late in the afternoon so we stayed and had dinner there too. Hubbie was rather put out that Ethan ate 10 of his 15 meatballs though!

Then home and Ethan again chose to sleep in the "peppa pig" bed (the single bed has a peppa pig duvet cover on it). Let's see how tonight goes!

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