Prickend Pond, Chislehurst, Kent

Busy busy - I spent all afternoon in the garden and have now filled 3 large garden sacks and you can't really see any difference, I didn't do much pruning but I did find a pair of the missing secateurs I was thining out the Periwinkle which seems to spread like a weed and is choking many other plants.

I also caught Apache mooching around in the "rubbish tip" garden - they have now put out a few black bags and I'm guessing that there is food in them, because he was trying to rip one open *sigh* he's hardly starving is he?.

This sign always amuses me; I'm sure that there are rats around but the geese are so greedy I can't see them leaving any bread.

I must say I'm exhausted with all the fresh air and I doubt I'll be watching the end of the movie :(

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