Ina's Snippets

By ina


"One of the many things nobody ever tells you about middle age is that it's such a nice change from being young."

~ Dorothy Canfield Fisher ~


Another inhouse blip - did not go out today, did the laundry, washed more curtains, the normal...

Cooked dinner, pepper & lemon chicken breasts, creamy brocoli & cauliflour, pumpkin - like grandma use to make it, cooked with butter and sugar - and tomato/pepper/feta cheese salad.

Then I sat down with a glass of red wine and waited for Mr Snippets & Jnr1st to come home from work.

I'm going to hang the curtains to dry and then going to call it a day! Maybe watch a movie or read a book.

Hope you had a super Wednesday :)


"Yes, there are times when something
is legitimately not our fault.
Blaming others, however, keeps us in a stuck state
and is ultimately rough on our own self esteem."

~ Eric Allenbaugh ~

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