Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

I Hear the Rain - The Violent Femmes

Thank goodness the rain came on today. Not often you'll hear me say that. This was only the second time I've been out the house since Thursday. The other time was last night to get this shot. The constraints of my musical challenge wouldn't have allowed me to post it as my blip, which is just as well as there are far better examples on here.

Anyway, neither time resulted in me meking it more than five feet beyond my front garden.

I'm still feeling worse for wear so it's back to bed yet again for me as I can't really take the day off work tomorrow.

The Violent Femmes are another of those bands (along with Talking Heads, Led Zeppelin, The Pixies and the Smiths) who fall into the category of my favourite Rock bands of all time. Blister in the Sun is probably their most famous song, but "Hallowed ground", the album this was on, was probably the first thing of theirs I was aware of. I believe it was recorded as the singer was kicking certain habits and rediscovering his religious roots. That may just be Rock mythology though. Anyway, a great band in my opinion, I'm just glad I didn't have to take a photo for "Country Death Song" .

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