The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Macro Fetish

Wonder if you can guess what this is?

Mum unwrapped it after it's spell under cloth, protecting it from the frost.

Looks like it has been in a long bath and then dried out too quick!

Okay, okay, the last macro for a few days I think...well, unless I find some new fruit lurking in the friodge over the next few days!

By the way, today was fab - except for hardly being able to speak to you. Had nice coffee and dropped Bex off, then collected is bloody massive! I'll blip it for you when I have a quiet spell! I had better warn the others that it will take up a major space in their rucksacks, I'm not actually sure Phil will manage to get it to you. Anyway, I'll leave that for them to worry about!!! Hope you are not too much browner and that you had a nice lazy day. Three weeks and I will be with you! ;0) xxx

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