Friday Foto

By drmackem

Spring Time Running

What a difference a week makes. Last Sunday's run was mostly in the sleet and biting wind, this week the sun shone, the sky was blue, for once shorts and t shirt were appropriate dress(rather than stubborn northern man attire).

After Church this morning I set off on my own to run to Bolton Abbey, the middle hour at race(half marathon) pace, with the Conniston 14 in 3 weeks I needed to dial the pace in and check my fitness. The sunshine, blue sky and lush grass and daffodils were all very vibrant. In the bits of the run where the tourists gathered there was as lively chatter, and away from there the birds were busy too. Heard my first lark today - one of my favourite sounds this time of year.

Today's blip is a 3 shot panorama stitchup of Bolton Abbey and the land and river immeadiately south. In times past there was a barn/shelter just to the right of the tree far right in this shot. It would have been an area central to the life of the area. Today it remains a stunningly beautiful spot, frequented by many visitors on a day like today, and a lot of sheep too today as well.

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