
By MrsHollow

Out of hibernation

The last few weeks have been full on and I haven't really had time to do anything - full on work and career stress! But today felt too good an opportunity to miss, gonig out for a walk with the girls to get lego mini-figures (unfortunately unsuccessful!).

We wandered into town and enjoyed the nice warm sunshine. I think Jnr Jnr's plans for a water fight are a little premature - it's warm but not that warm. But just as winter moves to spring and things begin to grow it feels like some life changing moments are approaching. I've spent weeks agonising about what to do with one decision and when that happens it can be a lonely old world. But still one that big choice made will hopefully lead to more exciting ones in the future; and while they take their time arriving it's defintely time to sit back and be grateful for what you do have, rather than being angry and frustrated at the world because of what you don't have.

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