Thin Places

By markwadd

The House of Prayer, Woodhouse

I'm at the Woodhouse Community Centre this morning where two church groups are meeting. Both of the groups are taking a step of faith in that they are very new and very small in number - but with a hope that they can grow and serve the local community.

One of the groups is the new The House of Prayer which books the main hall from 10am each Sunday, but it's just the two of them and their son. The House of Prayer Community Church is the vision of Gary and Dorothy Thomas.

They say their faith and vision is about serving the local people and supporting those in need. When I asked them how they were going to meet the practical needs of the community they said that it was something felt called by God to do and that by being faithful great things will happen.

Ironically while they are worshipping and with no idea of how things will work out, I am in the back room taking the opportunity to do a bit of planning for Oblong - and being concerned about how will will meet our targets and objectives. There is a message in here about where we put our focus. It is on how we bring everything under control or is it fixed on the vision?

I admire the commitment and hope Gary and Dorothy are displaying. They don't know where the people are going to come from! We can't always know how things are going to turn out. In most situations we make plans based on our ability to control the outcome, but for them there is no business plan or numbers, but certainly there is passion for loving their community.

If you would like to join The House of Prayer for Sunday worship you are welcome.

Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse Street, Leeds LS6 2NY Sunday between 10.00am and 12.00 noon. Or call 07570 609297

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