
By Kaysha

Double trouble

Normal service has most definitely resumed. I think.

A's skin is looking so much better today and the swelling has subsided. She's being as cheeky as ever, although still milking the '...but I'm sick' whenever she's asked to do something. Most definitely better.

D also seems to have got over 'The Bug' and the nappies are not nearly as offensive now - like you really needed to know that!

Anyhow, it was a lovely day. The kids helped me in my morning photoshoot by waving red and white lights around a darkened room. Nothing too spectacular, but I liked the eerily haunting image of little D x two. Now that really would be double trouble....

Went for a lovely meal at Mr & Mrs M's house to celebrate Mrs M's promotion. World domination is just around the corner for this lady. Mr M is a chef so we're always guaranteed a splendid meal. Tonight was no exception. The kids played away happily (mostly) and, whilst there were a few camera moments (kids dressing up as snow white - and A looking spookily like the real thing), I think my wine drinking skills were more prevalent tonight. Hic.

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