Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Fun with Corel!

Hubs and I have been out all afternoon running errands and then spending a bit of time at one of the State Parks about an hour from here. They have a huge botanical garden in there which must be something to behold in the summer. Today, there were mounds of little crocuses everywhere - just so cheery! I had Big Daddy, not the best for macro (haha) but I did get a couple of nice shots of the flowers. Then, I turned myself lose with Corel ... and look what happened...

I actually love the "enamel" effect with Corel - it is cool and different and kind of fun. So, what you get today is enameled crocuses - hope you like them! :) An,d definitely better LARGE!

And if you'd like to see the unedited version, click HERE

Happy Saturday...

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