Another beach blip, but I have a bit of time to kill on Saturday mornings while Bella's at gymnastics and when the tide is right, this is a pretty good place to kill time.
(I don't know why I always feel the need to justify going b&w but I'm a creature of habit so... the colour version was a wierd washed out pale pinky greeny lilac with a peculiar hint of gold. It made me feel queezy and no amount of twiddling made it look less sickly, so, b&w again!)
This afternoon we met up with an old friend who we haven't seen for a while. We went to St Ives for a wander around, the children got to waste spend some money in the arcade, then on for cofee and cake, then a bit of time on the beach (another one!!) where the kids played while we had a proper catch up and laughed so much that my jaw still aches. All in all it's been a very happy Saturday :)

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