Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

The bird on the street...

Meet Willow the barn owl who was in town today raising funds for a bird sanctuary in North Wales.

Also in town were Justin Bieber (who played at the Echo Arena last night) and hundreds upon HUNDREDS of teen and pre-teen Bieber fans (or Beliebers as I fear they must legally be called...) - it was really quite terrifying and I scurried home pretty damn sharpish!

I had been forced to brave the teenyboppers in the first place because my iPad crashed this morning - causing major trauma here at Booknerd Towers - and I needed to visit the Apple Store rather urgently.

I'm pleased to report that a very helpful iAssistant administered the iKiss of Life to the sickly iPad and I am thus able to post my blip this evening. Phew!

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