Fast worker
This huge bumble bee found this little table arrangement put together by Katherine within about five minutes. Fast work. He visited each flower in order, tumbling over each time as the flower tipped out of the bottle top, before bumbling off.
Lunch outside today, with the kids, which is unusual on a Friday... We slept in, because I had somehow forgotten to set my alarm and I am the only one who sets one (which has been something of a bone of contention of late). So Mr B figured it was best to offer me a weekday lie-in and get the kids to school himself. Normal days have me getting the kids up and ready while Mr B rolls out of bed at 8.15am, downs a quick coffee and does the school run. I came downstairs at a little before nine to see, to my horror, that the dishes were washed and put away and the birds were fed - no way I could get all that done with a 7.45 am start... Then Mr B confessed that he'd totally forgotten about Conor's packed lunch - so the kids came home for lunch and we had a lovely meal outside.
Much work in the garden, washing done and a lazy evening in front of the first Lord of the Rings movie: family movie nights are re-instated.
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