From There To Here

By FromThereToHere

Busy Bees!

We have had a very busy day today. Firstly Francis went to Socatots which we had to leave a little early in order to get the Far Ings for the very first Wildlife Watch. We did pond dipping, making a bird feeder, tree trail, planting seeds, looking for life in a woodland habitat, looked at bees and dragonfly skins and other impressive things under a microscope. But the best bit of the morning, owl pellets! Who'd have though examining owl pellets would be so interesting. Millie and Francis spent ages pulling them carefully apart and finding bones of voles and mice amongst all the fur!
We then had to come home for a quick lunch before Millie's dance lesson.

We did get chance for a play in the garden. You can tell spring is definitely here. Buds on the plants and trees, ladybirds everywhere and one or two buzzy bees!

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