Brave Blue World

By OlliEcological

Start choppin' the title of a magnificent song by the mighty Dinosaur Jr., a band I am blessed to have witnessed play live. It is also what I'm about to do. Firewood does indeed warm you thrice; once when collecting, once when chopping and finally when it burns.

No fish caught today. No matter. I saw a yearling Buzzard having aerobatic fun with ma or pa, several lambs being born, a pair of Dippers collecting nest materials and, just now, a couple of Herons off to roost. Even the farm dog, who has for years only eyed me with extreme suspicion from afar, came and made friends.

One gripe (ooh and it's a biggie); people who litter. Whenever I go off into nature I find evidence of ignorant bastards who leave rubbish after themselves. I cannot fathom the mental gymnastics required to see it as acceptable. If I see it happen in the street, I embarrass the person by hollering after them and making a scene. If I see it happen in a beautiful place I've made an effort to visit, I belt them. So sue me.

Anyway, back to nice things; one of the Dippers just scooted past and gave me a quick chirrup. Sublime.

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