The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Flappie the not-so-wild rabbit

This is Flappie, one of the rare non-birds (apart from the 600-or-so hedgehogs each year) who visit the bird centre. He came here as a just-born and will move to Ostend (Belgium) tomorrow to prepare for a return to the wild. M, the manager of the centre, asked me to take some pictures of him.

She said that "if I would sit still and wait, and we would put down some food, eventually he would show up to be photographed". In fact, after a few moments he explored me lying on the floor, crawling over me, disappearing in my jacket, and in the end he even let me tickle him behind his ears... Bit worrying actually, as he should be a wild bunny...

Decided to go for the well-posed shot, but the funniest is this one, where he looks around the corner into the big wide open, as if looking for freedom.

Also a favorite: Northern Gannet

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