All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Little Chef

Ethan goes through phases with breakfast cereal. For a long time his favourite was weetabix, then rice crispies, currently it's porridge. And he's not impressed if he doesn't get to help make it himself!

It was only a half mummy & Ethan day today. We went to swimming as usual. Met up with Missus B & Lucinda briefly there as they had texted to say they'd be going not long before our swimming class started. Foreveryoung then met us after the class as she was taking Ethan back to her house for the afternoon because I wasn't keen on Ethan being at my house with the decorating still being done. Wet paint / paint fumes and a curious toddler are not a good combination!

Hubbie & I headed over to the Foreveryoung house at dinner time. Granny & Grandpa were there too. After dinner, bathtime for Eden & Ethan, we came back home. I think Ethan enjoyed himself although he got really upset just before we arrived and wasn't himself at all. Looks like he might be coming down with something so he was dosed up on calpol before he went to bed. Hope he's not up as early tomorrow as he was as this morning (5am although he went straight back to sleep in our bed for a few hours). Sleep well Ethan!

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