Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

Dietary indiscretion

A couple of days ago the spaniel had what the vet calls a 'dietary indiscretion' - he caught and ate a rabbit. He's now suffering the consequences as he has an inflammed colon and, of course, I've been up all night trying to sort him out.
This of course is an image of some kind of lichen growing on birch, but it rather resembles the effects of that dietary indiscretion.

My day actually went further downhill when I heard that my boss is now on extended sick leave and I have to attend a so-called 'awayday' on Monday. That's an awayday that isn't away - because the budget's been eaten by someone. If I have my way it won't be a 'day' either, an hour should be long enough. Further bad news came in the form of a message from HR. I'm about to start another two years' of a pay freeze (I knew that bit already) at the end of which I am now told that I will be allowed to retain my job provided that I accept a 40% pay cut. What?

Oh well, at least I now know when I'm leaving. Cheered myself up by making a chart on which I can cross off the months.

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