The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

The Speyside Kiltwalk is here to stay

"How much is that Kiltwalk t-shirt in the window, the one with the lovely bear?"

So OK we've taken a well known song about a dog and replaced it with a t-shirt, but I bet you sang along? And if you're walking down the High Street in Elgin, you must have wondered what was going on when you saw a strange looking, mature' gentleman doing up the shop window.

The KiltWalk, as many of you will know, is now in its third year and this year we don't just have one KiltWalk planned, we have six. Yes, that's right Six!! There's the usual Hampden Park to Loch Lomond walk, which is joined by the Wee Kiltwalk on the same day. There's the Angus Kiltwalk! The Avon and Kennet Kiltwalk and the Speyside Kiltwalk and for those of you up for the ultimate KiltWalk challenge then how about The Great Wall of China KiltWalk!! Let's just say the KiltWalk now covers a "Lorra lorra miles" and takes a "lorra lorra" organising.

The Speyside KiltWalk was the brain child of veteran KiltWalker Jim Hart (I mean you've done it before Jim, not that you're an "auld yin"), who approached Carey last year and said "I have a wee idea, what do you think about . . . ." and before Jim could finish his pitch, Carey was already setting targets in terms of numbers of walkers for this year and next, along with the finances that could be raised.

It was a brilliant idea, but one that did cause a few sleepless nights to begin with.

The excitement surrounding the event was that this would be the first time we would take the KiltWalk model "on the road" and if it worked, then what a great concept to take further a field? As the Sinatra song says "if we can make it there, we can make it anywhere".

The potential downsides were "what if it flopped big style?" where would that leave us and "what if people who walked the Hampden to Loch Lomond walk, decided to abandon this one to walk a new one? Would it be better to have one successful walk, or two smaller walks?

While Jim worried about numbers, Carey believed from the off that it would work and when you realise that as we go to press Hampden to Loch Lomond is nearing the 600 mark and Speyside is closing in on 300, then it goes to prove that "fortune truly does favour the brave".

Jim, a "Lowlander" who, before retiring, worked in the area for many years, has taken the Speyside KiltWalk by the you know whats and has spent his time in the community sticking up posters here, there, and everywhere. In fact he's now known locally as "Bill" as in bill poster. So we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jim for his tireless efforts, however we also owe the same thanks to Speyside itself.

They have to a man, woman and child embraced The Speyside Kiltwalk and very much taken our cause to heart and for that we are truly thankful.

One such organisation who has backed us to the hilt is "Voluntary Action Moray" or VAM as they're known locally. VAM is part of the 'Third Sector Interface' for Moray, which means they support local voluntary and community groups, including promoting events.

Jim got in touch with them back in November as part of his quite brilliant campaign and they started off with a poster in their small window, which definitely caught the attention of passers by, as everyone inside often head the cries, "Aaaaw, look at the wee fella in his big boots!"

Over the last few months VAM have increased their support for us, KiltWalker. They've passed on updates about the walk in their e-bulletins, and on their website, which is www voluntaryactionmoray org uk, (you'll need to put in the missing full stops ar Blip doesn't allow hyperlinks) as well as their Facebook and Twitter Social Media sites, all of which has helped generate more awareness of the event.

However as you can see from the picture above, they have really excelled themselves as this week and next as the large window is booked out to the Speyside Kiltwalk. This is a free service they offer and Jim has taken full advantage to produce a bright, colourful and informative display.

Catherine Sinclair of VAM told us "I've been following the growing buzz across all the social media platforms and love seeing the photos. Even though I won't be able to do the walk, I feel really involved and definitely want to be there on the day. It's a great idea that's captured the imagination and VAM is delighted to support it"

So it's a huge thank you to VAM for lending us their window and we're delighted you feel involved as that's what we were striving for? It's not our KiltWalk it's everybody's KiltWalk. We just hope for everyone's sake that Jim wasn't in his Kilt when he was in the shop window, as it wouldn't have been a pretty sight to see him bend over.

There's one thing for certain with the drive shown by Jim and the support shown by VAM and the people of Speyside, then The Speyside Kiltwalk is here to stay!!

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