
By joe_cool

Sunset #3

A rotten day. Under the weather all day. Miserable head cold. Did not feel like doing much. Lisa and Emily shoveled all morning, the path from the house to the parking area is about 50ft (17m) and yesterday's storm left 4-5ft (1.5m) of snow in it. As it turned out, Emily decided to dig a huge hole in the snow instead of working on cleaning the path. During that time I vacuumed the house. The rest of the day was very lazy for everyone.

The sun came out late afternoon and I dragged myself outside to take a few sunsets. This is the one I chose to blip.

Tonight we watched a beautiful movie that is set on a winery in Provence. What a beautiful place. The cinematography was stunning.

I hope you're all having a nice restful weekend. Over and out.

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