My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Have some more flowers, while they last.

Thinking about the colour pink, I remember the stage I went through where I really didn't want to be girly. I wore camouflage combats and always acted as the boys in role-playing games. I didn't like the colour pink. I tried my hand at football. But in recent years, I've realised that I like a decent dose of girly stuff - like this evening, my flatmate Charity and I went to a friend's flat for dinner, and we all sat watching Tangled and eating chocolate and talking loads.

The thing is, femininity does not equal weakness - I know I made that wrong judgement when I was younger - and it is perfectly possible to have a very strong, confident, but still feminine woman. Especially when it comes to faith; it's important for us women to remember that we don't have to - and shouldn't - act like we're men in order to have a good relationship with Christ.

And men: be the man God has called you to be, loving God and remembering that He created both men and women in His image. Be faithful, righteous, and obedient. You guys are awesome.

After I thought of writing this, I remembered it happens to be International Women's Day.

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