
By misspixter

Natures first naughty step?

Where the wild things are....on the naughty step.

After our difficult weekend we made the best of the sunshine on the bank holiday. We took Luke to Gulliver's world, where he had a ball. We went on many car rides and rollercoasters but his favorite was Dino-world. He has a new fascination for all things dinosaur and we bought him two model dinosaurs which made his day. We also went on this ride called the 'carousel of Evolution' which told you the story of evolution, IP and I couldn't stop laughing at the 'scary' low budget cardboard dinosaurs.There was also an impossibly large mouse who was bigger than the dinosaurs?? After Gullivers world we went to an absolutely gorgeous carvery pub near us for tea, its my favorite pub ever! We also saw Ashley from Coronation street in the pub and also Liverpool player (apparently) Dirk Kuyt in Gulliver's world. Ip was happy as he is a Liverpool fan.

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