Go On - Guess

A "late" start today as the Cygnet had mother and toddler - but still had to be round at the house mid morning for the plumber to come and fit a new shower.

When he got home the Cygnet was wired to the moon - but still tired.
So we took him out to the shops so he couldn't fall asleep before lunch.
I bought some lovely Polish smoked sausage and was really quite surprised when the Cygnet tried some and wanted more.
He can buy his own - it isn't cheap.

My first choice for a blip was the mass of frog spawn in the garden pond - but for some reason it came out blurred.
But at least I know that at least 2 frogs survived the winter.

The camera club committee meeting this evening opened with a glass of wine to celebrate two of them getting engaged.
We also managed to get out half an hour earlier than usual despite a lot of sidetracking and mucking about.
I can that a success.

Now come on - guess what the blip is.

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