Dog Charming!

Another technically challenged day! What is it with the inetrnet? slow, slow slow! A wasted day yet again! Eventually gave up and went down the town late afternoon, went into the bar hubby used to work in and there was my pal whom I've known since Uni days having her 50th! She kept that quiet. Anyways we blabbed about old times and beofre I know it time had flown and it was past 6! How time flies !
Cooked a quick concotion of gamon steak, with tortilini and home made sauce, very nice though I say it myself.

Last night it was judging time at the camera club. He seemed quite a nice chappy and a fair judge. My motly lot got a respectable 16 & 17 though he didnt like my tacky gold frame, I thought it was the ultimate in tackiness! There's a lot of work goes into a weekly winter camera club and those on the committee work very hard and I appreciate that as I just turn up and enjoy the evening. Think there are only two weeks left , I will miss it when it closes for the season as I really enjoyed this winters session especially the chappy who showed his photos the week before , his were more natural. I cant be doing with stuff thats over the top perfection being as I am not a specimen of perfection myself!

Off to Inverness tomorrw and for the weekend so hoping to grab a blip or two
Happy blipping all

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