It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Fish pie

My children all love daddy's fish pie. They just can't get enough of it. This fact is all the more strange because mr mc and I are both vegetarian (proper ones - we don't eat chicken or fish) and mr mc is allergic to fish. But we decided the children would eat meat and fish and decide for themselves whether they want to stop. No1 son is the biggest carnivore going. Can't see him giving up his sausage sandwiches!!

Once a fortnight mr mc slaves over a pan of fish in milk, trying not to be sick, to make a dish of fish pie which will do them 2 meals if we're lucky! Like I said they just can't get enough of it!

Today babba girl got so impatient she grabbed the spoon every time I put it down so I could feed poorly boy. Then he'd sign "more" frantically every time I went to feed her. Now he's signing "all gone".

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