Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Si, se puede!

Today was a great day. The sun came out, and S. & C. invited me to go with them as they took Bella to Sauvie Island, and for the first time in her life, she discovered what it means to walk in sand, to find sticks and draw lines in sand, to climb on driftwood, and to slap her hands in the Columbia River. She has been to beaches as a baby in arms, she has touched sand with her hands and feet and knees, but today was her first time to walk in sand, to find her balance, to let go of the protective hands of her parents and go forward, upright, into a world she had never experienced before.

I watched her putting together all the elements of her sensory experience: these things to which we give language. River. Sand. Sticks. She learned what it is to fall into the sand, to kneel in it, to walk uphill on ground that shifts. There is so much for her to take in, and she is quiet, thoughtful, serious, as if putting together the pieces of a great puzzle.

What greater privilege can there be in the world than to watch this moment? At first she was hesitant, frightened. She held on. Then she let go with one hand. Then with both hands. She walked a little faster. Then she ran. She fell. She knelt. She was entirely present. At the end of our time, her Papa put her up on his shoulders and she waved and crowed and squealed with pleasure. I could feel the sentiment rising in her, without words. I breathed it. Si, se puede. This can be. I can do this. Yes.

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