Street shadows
At this stage I was beginning to become a bit anxious about the next issue of the quarterly magazine, the Spring issue of which normally goes out around the middle of March. Still no word from the client, though. Mind you, I was just as pleased to be pressure-free and to have time to laze around at home, watch TV and listen to music.
I did get my act together around after lunch and bussed in to town for a bit of shopping and blipping. Yesterday's dampness had disappeared, and I spent a pleasant couple of hours wandering around, in and out of shops and up and down streets. It's hard to credit that the sun was so low at 2:20 pm when I took this shot along Clarendon Street. I've always had a thing about this contre jour type of shot, and the conditions were pretty near perfect to give it a try. It would have been better if I could have stepped out onto the street for a moment, but the traffic wasn't at all accommodating.
Back home afterwards I messed around until 11:20 pm came around and I kept my appointment with the rather wonderful Rubicon.
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