
By SomeGuyInNJ

Crappy light... wheres a 5d Mark III when you need

LBG in action at "L"'s birthday party at Pump It Up...

She loved this zone... running up the slope and diving to lay down a velcro marker... I think she did it so much she was too tired to do some of the other zones!

Great place but lousy light for photography. I could have really done with 5d mark III to crank the iso even higher.

Part of a bucket of backblips...

Sunday 29 January 2012: Tired Kitty
Tuesday 14 February 2012: Product shots for the website
Thursday 16 February 2012: Phonebook left in the rain
Sunday 19 February 2012: There has been a slight delay in making the Hallow
Sunday 26 February 2012: LBG and LM in action...
Wednesday 29 February 2012: Deer in the rain
Sunday 4 March 2012: Crappy light... wheres a 5d Mark III when you need
Monday 5 March 2012: A farm, a church, some rocks and a Long Valley

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